2024 Tiverton Little League Board of Directors
President - Mike DeCotis
Vice President - Amber Rose Sousa
Treasurer - Frank Hill
Secretary - Danielle Hill
Baseball Director - Frank Peters
Baseball Player Agent - Mike Mattera
Softball Director - Matt Gill
Softball Player Agent - Jamie Vandal
Safety Officer/Marketing/Communications - Steph Cavanagh
IT/Web Support - Ray Ballard
Note: Any Tiverton Little General Member in good standing may run for any position at the General Member meeting in October, even if someone in an existing position is running again. The intent of sharing if existing member is running again for certain positions, is to provide transparency to the community around members intent and help potential candidates decide where they feel like they can contribute most.
Roles and Responsibilities
The following roles are voting members: President, Vice President, Secretary,
Treasurer, Baseball Director, Softball Director, Softball Player Agent, Baseball Player Agent, Safety Officer, Field Maintenance and Equipment Manager & Communications & Marketing Director